Farmhouse on Elba
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Cala del Nisportino, overlooking a lovely bay and surrounded by the green Mediterranean scrub, is located in the north-eastern part of Elba Island in the Tuscan Archipelago National Park.

Made up of coarse sand and multicoloured shingle, easily accessible on foot from our farmhouse (350 metres away), the beach has free-access areas and zones with umbrellas and sun-beds, canoes for hire.

The transparency of the sea is breath-taking, especially when viewed on a day of Scirocco (south-east) wind from the promontory on the right of the beach. This is the starting-point for a track that not only gives access to the promontory but also leads to the "red rocks" and Mangani beach.

This wonderful stretch of coastline has a succession of small beaches and rocky shores, some accessible from the land and some only from the sea.